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Dr. Vickie Perdue Scott
CEO, President and Founder; Champion and Chair
Education, Healthcare, Housing, Economic, Community Development
Mrs. Chelsie Scott Sistrunk
Vice President, Chief Human Resource Officer; Empowerment and Education Advisory Champion and CO Chair
Empowerment, Education and Human Resource Advisory
Dr. Ciera V. Scott
Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer; Health Advisory Champion and CO-Chair
Education and Mental Health Advisory
Mrs. Becky Lee
Champion and Chair
Economic, Community and Business Development Advisory
Ms. Betty Touisant
Champion and Chair
​Healthcare Advisory - HCA Coliseum and Navicent Healthcare Systems
Anita Perdue Ross, Ed. S.
STEM, Health Education Champion and CO-Chair
STEM Advisory
Dr. Ann Williams Brown
Champion and CO-Chair
STEM Advisory
Dr. Allison Ross
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer; STEM Advisory Champion and CO-Chair
STEM and Youth Leadership Advisory
Mr. Chico Scott, Jr.
Chief Leadership Development Officer; STEM Advisory Champion and CO Chair
STEM and Youth Leadership Advisory CO - Chair
Mr. Benjamin Ross, Jr.
Chief Technology Officer; STEM Advisory Champion and CO-Chair
Computer Science Technology Advisory
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